Everything I wrote here just for pleasure. I'm not afraid of people talking behind my back, because I am me. I love merepek-ing and talk like crap -,- Sorry-for-the-broken-english-that-I-tertulis-here (Contoh macam tu lah :D) I'm still learning. Start from zero but not to hero. Hahaha
heylo gay and lesbo..Nice to meet you XD Thanks for visiting daten rude's story telling kay ? If you hate me , you may go die okay darl ? And please BERAMBUS from my page ! And fyi , i love M like i love my parents , got it ? good^^

You're The Straw To My Berries

Dearest friends : i really appriciate you , i really love you .. L.O.V.E ! i always think that i cant meet again with a nice people like you , i am very afraid that one day we have to realize that we must be separated . we have to futher our study . we have to work we have to get married and that time we are very far from each other .. we cant share our tears and laughter together :(( but I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU AND THROW YOU AWAY FROM MY LIFE because we still bestfriends till my last breath ! ILY guys :)

P/S : Sorry for those yang takde gamba dekat atas ni :/ Jangan kecik hati kay ? Korang takde dekat atas ni tapi korang ade dekat hati aku <3 Hihi